List of commands

List of commands

Generate migrations

drizzle-kit generate:{dialect} lets you generate migrations based on you DrizzleORM schema.

schemayespath to typescript schema file or folder with multiple schema files
outnomigrations folder, default=./drizzle
confignoconfig file path, default=drizzle.config.ts
customnogenerate empty SQL for custom migration
breakpointsnoSQL statements breakpoints, default=true
$ drizzle-kit generate:pg
$ drizzle-kit generate:mysql
$ drizzle-kit generate:sqlite
// drizzle.config.ts
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";
export default {
  schema: "./src/schema.ts",
  out: "./drizzle",
} satisfies Config;

If you want to use custom named config file

$ drizzle-kit generate:pg --config=custom.config.ts

If you want to have all params as CLI options

$ drizzle-kit generate:pg --schema=./src/schema.ts --out=./drizzle

Generate an empty SQL migration file for custom migration.

$ drizzle-kit generate:pg --custom

Introspect / Pull

drizzle-kit introspect:{dialect} command lets you pull DDL from existing database and generate schema.ts file in matter of seconds.
Either connectionString or user:password@host:port/db params are mandatory

driveryesdriver to use for querying (mysql2, better-sqlite, libsql, turso)
outnomigrations folder, default=./drizzle
connectionStringnodatabase connection string
usernodatabase user
passwordnodatabase password
databasenodatabase name
confignoconfig file path, default=drizzle.config.ts
introspect-casingnostrategy for JS keys creation in columns, tables, etc. (preserve, camel)
$ drizzle-kit introspect:pg
$ drizzle-kit introspect:mysql
$ drizzle-kit introspect:sqlite
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";
export default {
  schema: "./src/schema/*",
  out: "./drizzle",
  driver: 'pg',
  dbCredentials: {
    connectionString: "postgresql://postgres:password@host:port/db",
} satisfies Config;

If you want to use custom named config file

$ drizzle-kit introspect:pg --config=custom.config.ts

If you want to have all params as CLI options

$ drizzle-kit introspect:pg --out=migrations/ --connectionString=postgresql://user:pass@host:port/db_name
$ drizzle-kit introspect:pg --out=migrations/ --host= --port=5432 --user=postgres --password=pass --database=db_name --ssl

Prototype / Push

drizzle-kit push:{dialect} lets you push your schema changes directly to the database and omit managing SQL migration files. This has proven to be very useful for rapid local development(prototyping) and when working with remote databases like Planetscale (opens in a new tab), Neon (opens in a new tab), Turso (opens in a new tab) and others.

Extended article on Turso and drizzle-kit push - read here (opens in a new tab)

Either connectionString or user:password@host:port/db params are required


drizzle-kit push does not support PostgreSQL yet

schemayespath to typescript schema file or folder with multiple schema files
driveryesdriver to use for querying (mysql2, better-sqlite, libsql, turso)
tablesFilternotable name filter
connectionStringnodatabase connection string
usernodatabase user
passwordnodatabase password
databasenodatabase name
confignoconfig file path, default=drizzle.config.ts
verbosenoprint all queries that will be executed
strictnoalways ask for an approve before pushing the schema
$ drizzle-kit push:mysql
$ drizzle-kit push:sqlite

If you want to use custom named config file

$ drizzle-kit push:mysql --config=custom.config.ts

If you want to have all params as CLI options

$ drizzle-kit push:mysql --schema=src/schema.ts --connectionString=postgresql://user:pass@host:port/db_name
$ drizzle-kit push:mysql --schema=src/schema.ts --host= --port=5432 --user=postgres --password=pass --database=db_name --ssl

Drop migration

drizzle-kit drop lets you delete previously generated migrations from migrations folder


Please don't delete any files in migrations folder manually, it might break drizzle-kit

outnomigrations folder, default=./drizzle
confignoconfig file path, default=drizzle.config.ts
$ drizzle-kit drop

If you want to use custom named config file

$ drizzle-kit drop --config=custom.config.ts

If you want to have all params as CLI options

$ drizzle-kit drop --out=drizzle

Maintain stale metadata

We're rapidly evolving Drizzle Kit APIs and from time to time there's a need to upgrade underlying metadata structure.
drizzle-kit up:{dialect} is a utility command to keep all metadata up to date.

outnomigrations folder, default=./drizzle
confignoconfig file path, default=drizzle.config.ts
$ drizzle-kit up:pg
$ drizzle-kit up:mysql
$ drizzle-kit up:sqlite

If you want to use custom named config file

$ drizzle-kit up:pg --config=custom.config.ts

If you want to have all params as CLI options

$ drizzle-kit up:pg --out=drizzle


drizzle-kit check:{dialect} is a very powerfull tool for you to check consistency of your migrations.
That's extremely useful when you have multiple people on the project, altering database schema on different branches.
Drizzle Kit will check for all collisions and inconsistencies.

outnomigrations folder, default=./drizzle
confignoconfig file path, default=drizzle.config.ts
$ drizzle-kit check:pg
$ drizzle-kit check:mysql
$ drizzle-kit check:sqlite

If you want to use custom named config file

$ drizzle-kit check:pg --config=custom.config.ts

If you want to have all params as CLI options

$ drizzle-kit check:pg --out=drizzle

Drizzle Studio [NEW]

drizzle-kit studio lets you launce Drizzle Studio database browser locally from you config file.

portnocustom port
verbosenolog all sql statements
drizzle-kit studio
drizzle-kit studio --port 3000 --verbose